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- Why do we fall into the demonization of error? - How can we see errors in terms of evolutionary development? - How do we develop a culture of error in organizations?
cultura dell'errore
In recent years the lens for companies that want to make a difference has shifted to the well-being of individuals and teams in organisations, not just engagement. How can this wellbeing be developed? Art enjoyed and generated by people can be one of the levers to focus on.
davide zanichelli
Creative processes need spaces for the mind to wander, to do something that apparently may not even seem productive. Different people must vibrate at the same intensity, feel the idea as their own and share it. So it is intuition that counts, but also passion to pursue the realization of an idea.
Why is the Learning Organisation still a hot topic after all these years and how is it evolving? What does it mean to be an enabler in the organization in the first place?
learning organization
What is Agile Self-Learning? Let's discover together new, more effective, and motivating ways of doing training & development.
agile self learning
If we only pursue efficiency, can we really be creative? But what does it really mean for companies to go beyond efficiency and integrate new processes that focus on effectiveness?
Why move from: - vertical organisation to inverted pyramid - manager to leader - employee to collaborator
senza capi