Andrea Faré

Managerless organisations: what does it really mean?

Why should my company change the way it organises itself?


Why is the pyramid as an organisational model no longer sufficient?


Discover with Andrea Faré the peculiarities of the socio-economic context in which we are living and the benefits of having a managerless organisation.

But what is really meant by ‘managerless’?

Should managers be eliminated from the organisational chart? Or should their role be made to evolve, downsizing decision-making power and control, while at the same time developing new skills?

Learn more about what widespread decision making means and how order can exist in the management of a company without bosses.


Transforming your organisation is difficult, but not impossible: those who have done it would never go back (and former bosses are the first to say so). Did you know that in nature hierarchies do not exist and even our brains decide without bosses?


📌 The guest of this first dialogue with the Peoplerisers Antonio Di Stefano and Alessandro Rossi is Andrea Faré.

Discover his biography:


“My name is Andrea and I am an expert in technology and organisational innovation. For 20 years, I worked in IT consulting, following the classic path: from good technician to unmotivated manager… However, I was not satisfied with what Peter’s principle had in store for me, and so I decided to fleece the organisational status quo. As a pioneer in our country, I became really passionate about the topics of self-organisation and distributed leadership, helping several organisations to shift gears, both in Europe and in Italy. I co-founded Leapfrog in the hope of mainstreaming what I learnt along the way.”

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