Melania Bigi

culture of error: is it acted or does the fear of being wrong rule?

How to see error in terms of evolutionary development?


In this live broadcast of Let’s peoplerise with…Melania Bigi, we delve into the concept of error and what it means to operate a culture of error in an organisational context. Why our view of error changes the way we look at the world.


👉 What do we observe in companies?

On a cultural level things are moving compared to 15 years ago, there is more room to talk about vulnerability and wholeness, but there is still a lot of fear of making mistakes. How do we learn to accept our own mistakes and those of others? And why does it become necessary to do so in this complex age?

👉 What role do HR, CEOs and top management play in order for this cultural change to really make an impact in organisations?


📌 The guest on this live show with Peoplerisers Antonio Di Stefano and Erika Tabloni is Melania Bigi.

Discover her biography:

“I am Melania and after studying architecture in Florence I realised that I preferred sharing spaces and bridges to be built with facilitation to partitions and walls. I collaborated for years with the Comunitazione project, dedicated to community building processes, and in 2019 I founded with Ilaria Magagna TARA facilitation, a consulting firm that brings the systemic approach and Process Work to companies. Participation, collective intelligence and awareness of power dynamics are my favourite tools to tackle the challenges I encounter in organisations.I am also one of the founders of the School of Process Work Italy and published with Martina Francesca and Deborah Rim Moiso ‘Facilitiamoci!’, published by la Meridiana.”


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