
Travelling towards new ways of doing business

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Get on board with us towards transformation!

We take you on a journey to turn your ideas into real strategies, unlocking the full potential of the people in your company, through (modular) paths of:



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The Regenerative Enterprise: discover the new Italian edition

Imagine an enterprise that not only sustains the existing, but also regenerates resources, communities and human ties. An enterprise that not only responds to the […]


The topic of BRIDGING DIALOGUES 2024 was “Social regeneration in hyper-digital organisational contexts”. Imagine a world where technologies enhance your skills, instead of replacing them, […]

The biographical approach to understand DEIB topics

In this article, I would like to tell you how the use of a biographical approach can be an effective starting point for delving into […]

Development of a DE&I culture: what impact does language have?

Through discussions with colleagues, clients, experts on the needs behind ‘Diversity, Equity Inclusion’ and by developing DE&I projects and exploring the varied voices on the […]

Self-organisation: which Teal practices in Zordan?

Let's peoplerise with... Giuseppe Caruso | Watch the registration of the

live streaming

Teal organisations: comparing two business cases

In this article I would like to describe two examples of business cases that I have analysed in my field research with Peoplerise on the […]

Teal in Public Administration: dream or reality? A concrete case

Let's peoplerise with... Laurent Ledoux | Watch the registration of the

live streaming

Peoplerise joins the B Corp companies community

B Corp Companies (short for B Corporation) are those certified[1] organizations that are committed to well-defined standards such as transparency, accountability, and social and environmental […]

The floor to our clients

Client participation and active involvement are our future. And our present.
There is no more honest way to tell the story of Peoplerise than in their own words.


Peoplerise breaks rules and patterns! They first make sure you commit yourself to finding the right amount of time to tackle a project, to suspend judgments, to immerse yourself in it, to make the effort to live it. Then they manage to excite you and drive you to look at things with a different approach – with courage. This initially gives you a feeling of uncertainty, but ultimately it gives satisfaction to all involved. In the various workshops that I have been in, I always see my colleagues coming in with a lot of expectations and some doubt.  Then, after a day’s work, I see them exit extremely motivated and convinced they have made a real and important contribution.

Stefano Capponi
Marketing Manager - Maxi Zoo Italia S.p.a.


Change is difficult. Getting out of the comfort zone and confronting people is a very difficult thing to do. To implement evaluation tools by doing something simple and mediocre is a pure waste of time and only serves to silence the social consciousness of the most shrewd HRMs. Peoplerise has helped us create a tool that encourages deeper discussion even in the apparent simplicity of the tool. Two years of working together with the awareness of continuous cultural exchange is the value we have found in Antonio and Alessandro.

Stefano Pozzi
Hr & Organization Director - Sit Group


People are a key asset in organizations and must be heard, involved, and empowered in change processes. In Peoplerise, we are finding a partner that proposes agile and innovative tools to make us creators and not mere performers. The process we have started is definitely not easy. It requires a change in our mind-set and our pace in the medium term. Certainly, Peoplerise will help us in this sense.

Gianluca Bordin
HR manager - mG Minigears s.p.a.


A summary of what I have found working with you: several projects very rapidly and while heeding the needs expressed (and the changes of direction… :-)) were really positive. Congratulations!!!

Francesco Reggiani
Responsabile Servizio People - Credito Emiliano


“The life success of postmodern men and women depends on the speed with which they manage to get rid of old habits, rather than on the quick acquisition of new ones” – Zygmunt Bauman. What Bauman, theorist behind the liquid modernity concept, is saying seems simple. But in reality, it is extremely difficult. Peoplerise helped us to focus ourselves with the right perspective; making our past less cumbersome and the future a truly great opportunity to build together. Thank you.

Davide Patruno
Head of Human Resources - Maxi Zoo Italia S.p.a.


The work so far seems to me to be professionally organized and presented to the group in a simple and intuitive way. The tools used so far will be able to deliver a huge professional upgrade. Keep it up!

Domenico Mosca
Responsabile Commerciale - Ecornaturasi Spa


You have been able to interpret the needs of jms very well and design initiatives that seem to be very much in line with the company’s needs. Now, it is about implementing them, the expectation is high, a lot of commitment will be needed from everyone both us and you. For the moment, very good job!!!

Anna Casareto
Head of Human Resources - Jakala Marketing Solutions

Looking Ahead

To support any company in the change management phase, tools such as those co-designed with Peoplerise colleagues are essential, but not sufficient.
Antonio and Alessandro make the difference when they help us not to succumb to the inertia of structures that do not fully grasp the great opportunity they have in their hands.
Antonio and Alessandro, with their presence, force us not to give up but to push and look forward. Thanks for all your support!

Roberta Fagotto
Organizational Development Manager - Sit Group


It’s always nice to meet up again, and even nicer to do so in different contexts. It opens the mind and gladdens the spirit! Engagement and Performance: from project to reality, 3 meetings of team coaching activities focused on the present but with eyes always looking to the future. Three adjectives to describe you: precision, punctuality and competence.

Serena Napoli
Responsabile Selezione Formazione e Sviluppo - Codere SPA


Many time your physical presence is imperceptible, but this way of working allows us to find the answers to our fundamental problems within ourselves. In the end, the result is all our own, but without your “invisible” contribution, we would have arrived at nothing.

Stefano Lavorini
HR Director - Saint-Gobain Glass Itallia


I participated in a very interesting and stimulating project which I could summarize in these words: the “importance of feedback”. I recommend this approach to all those who want to create a strong team and reinforce this issue, which is very important for the improvement of a working group. This work also gave a lot of positive energy.

Alessandro Bassetto
HR manager - Sepr Italia Spa


You are skilled in transforming theory into practice / your almost veiled presence creates unity and a tendency of finding solutions / you are quick and impactful. The feeling between people makes the difference and with you it was immediate. Evaluation of people by the company is risky and is closely linked to the corporate context…it should never be standardized and must go below the surface. Great working with you, live and learn…THANK YOU

Barbara Donadon
Amministratore Delegato - Altana


Team building, engagement and story-telling are terms that, in our industry, that of fashion, would be deemed “on trend”, sometimes a little abused and sometimes a bit trivialized. With Peoplerise, these concepts become effective tools to create a cohesive team that works to achieve common goals with energy. I have particularly appreciated the opportunity to work with the Peoplerise team during my experience at Replay.

Lorenzo Pellini
Retail Director Europe - Fashion Box Spa - Replay


Excellent harmony, excellent professionalism, concepts are clear and precise.  Sometimes there were a lot of subjects in a short time, but probably this was due to lack of time.

Nicola Tridapali
Coordinatore commerciale - Ecornaturasi


Thanks to our friends at Peoplerise who are accompanying us on our change management journey, for supporting us to see things with new eyes …

Stefano Pagno
Responsabile settore mediotermine - UBI Sistemi e Servizi

Private: LET’S GO!

After having worked for many years on general management topics, with you we have addressed the individual in the organization, bringing classroom themes into everyday work. The ‘Brown Paper’ experience is innovative and effective. We will keep going: there is much to do.

Roberto Buzio
Direttore HR - Verallia Saint Gobain Vetri

Leading with the heart

Nothing is more essential than knowing how to recognise the deepest feelings that inspire our actions. They inspire the many changes of which we would be capable and which would make us much more satisfied if only we would indulge them.
Peoplerise guides you along a path that, little by little, reveals all this and much more and convinces you that you have succeeded on your own.
Leading with the heart

Francesco Resta
resp. direzione delivery service tesorerie, finanziamenti e servizi di supporto - ubi sistemi e servizi

Our projects

Bringing out what your business really needs is our first step towards your reality.
Together we will search for the most authentic meaning, to amplify the impact of daily choices and actions.


This project of teal has been created together with Zordan, a shop-fitting and custom interior design company. For 50 years Zordan has been realizing the […]

Agile Organisation and Leadership in the Banking Industry

We implemented this development program with a focus on “organization and agile leadership”, now in its third year, with an Italian company of circa 2800 […]

The challenge of a cross-functional and intercontinental team

20 specialists, spread over 4 different countries, tackling a very difficult job. Accompanying this team towards the achievement of its goal was not an easy […]


Everything that makes us who we are, our Peoplerise Way: values, methods, shared direction, from the research activity that originates from different theoretical roots to the concrete practice that takes place in our projects.

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People will always be essential. We are happy to be able to share our transformational journeys with like-minded companions who have the passion and will to make their actions a positive outcome for others.

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