
Prosphera – sustainability and regenerative business development

Sustainability and regenerative development: why companies shouldn’t stand idly by


Sustainability and regenerative development are not equivalent. Regenerative development represents the evolution of the more widespread concept of sustainability and not only, as it includes, as well as transcends, its objectives.


How? By aiming for a vitality of ecological, social, economic, and organizational systems in which the wellbeing and health of the entire system is continuously increased.


It is therefore becoming increasingly important for companies to re-evaluate the value proposition to all their stakeholders and the solutions which they adopt. There is a need for strategies oriented towards continuous evolution.


Change and creative innovation


Over the past year we have realized that we have to ensure that out of every crisis and change in the system, creative innovation is triggered to generate the new. And that if we cannot change part of the context around us, we can change ourselves, and the way we interact with events.


It may take time, but we cannot avoid moving towards this goal. It is time to act, and if things around us change, we must have the courage to build on this change.


The unsustainable situation for companies

For many companies, the situation in which they previously operated has suddenly been turned upside down, and most likely permanently.


In this deeply changing market, we are increasingly convinced that new ways of thinking and doing business are needed. New models of collaboration and leadership are needed, both within and between organizations, but also new social and environmental models.


This economic crisis, apart from the virus itself, is based on ecological models that are no longer compatible, let alone sustainable and manageable. The planet’s resources are limited and the time to re-route is running out. Every stakeholder must become aware of this and take action. First and foremost, companies.


Because companies are an essential part of our socio-economic and therefore socio-ecological fabric.


The three disconnections in business and the world

At Peoplerise, our purpose is to help breathe new life into organisations by supporting companies and their people in transforming their organizational and individual development processes. Our work aims to mitigate the spiritual-individual and socio-economic disconnection we see in businesses. But in order to truly have a regenerative impact in the world, we could not transcend the ecological disconnect.


That is why we decided to create Prosphera, so that we can work in an integrated and cross-cutting way on all three disconnections, aiming for true sustainability through regenerative development.


proshpera sostenibilità e sviluppo rigenerativo


Generate a wider impact with regenerative development

Prosphera is therefore a project born from the impulse to generate a wider positive impact on the Socio-Ecological System, thanks to the collaboration with complementary partners with a strong common vocation, in order to fuel the ecological transition and the development of a regenerative business model in organizations.


The very name Prosphera, which derives from the word “prosper”, encapsulates and indicates the desire to support organizations in this transformation towards regenerative development. It does so through a path that leads companies to generate prosperity for all stakeholders.


How? By co-creating together the journey towards the regenerative development of the client company. The aim is to create real sustainable innovation processes that benefit the organization itself, society, and the environment.


We would like to thank the EnduranceGroup team for their valuable collaboration. Through their pragmatic approach, they work every day to create an ethical digital world of sustainable innovation.


In addition, we thank Valorando for the great support to the project through its expertise in lean business processes.


Have a nice life Prosphera!


Want to find out more about sustainability and regenerative development?


Here you will find the answers to your questions > Prosphera website





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